Wednesday, December 29, 1993
WP reports that National Security Advisor Anthony Lake and CIA Dir. R. James Woolsey share Secy. of Defense Aspin's opposition to clemency for Jonathan Pollard, while Dep. AG Philip Heymann leads faction supporting commutation. (WP 12/29)
Israeli FM Peres, PLO official Mahmud 'Abbas say "constructive" results reached in Cairo mtg., but negotiations on implementation of Gaza-Jericho accord continue. (MENA 12/29 in FBIS 12/30; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/30)
Syrian Jewish sources report that hundreds of exit vias have been issued in recent days to Jews wishing to leave Syria, fulfilling commitment given to Secy. of State Christopher by Syrian Pres. al-Asad. (NYT 12/30)