Friday, February 5, 1993

Israel releases list of 101 deported Palestinians who may return immediately to the o.t. Deportees refuse to accept the list and pledge that none will return until all are allowed back. (Qol Yisra'el 2/5 in FBIS 2/5; Radio Lebanon 2/5 in FBIS 2/8; NYT 2/6)

Palestinian UN rep. Nasir al-Kidwa meets with UN Secy.-Gen. Butrus-Ghali, informs him of the PLO's decision not to participate in any peace talks until UNSCR 799 is implemented. (Sanaa VOP 2/5 in FBIS 2/8)

Chmn. Arafat meets with King Hussein in Amman, then flies to Cairo for 3-day visit. Talks with Pres. Mubarak focus on the deportees and peace talks, as well as arranging a Secy. of State Christopher-Arafat visit when the former visits the region beginning 2/17. (MENA, RJN, RMC 2/5 in FBIS 2/8)

Two polls find 61% and 54% of Israeli Jews are against the U.S.-Israeli package deal to allow 100 deportees back. (MaAriv, Yedi'ot Aharonot 2/5 in MM 2/5)

IDF shoots 3 armed Palestinians dead in a car in the Gaza Strip. IDF shoots 2 dead, wounds 30 more Palestinians in ensuing demonstrations. (NYT 2/6; MM 2/8)