Monday, December 5, 1994

Israeli-Palestinian joint comm. for commodities and transportation crossings concludes 3d mtg. at Erez checkpoint. Progress noted on customs, security, transportation of goods. Agree PA will be responsible for construction of Gaza port point, donor countries will provide financing. (WY 12/5 in FBIS 12/6)

Multilateral Working Group on Economic Development holds follow-up mtg. in Cairo. Representatives fr. Egypt, Jordan, Israel, EU, Japan, U.S., France, the PA agree to form 3 regional councils on finance, trade, tourism to strengthen regional cooperation. (MENA 12/7 in FBIS 12/8)

Egyptian FM Musa meets with Israeli FM Peres in Budapest during Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), briefs him on Mubarak's talks with al-Asad 12/1. (QY 12/5 in FBIS 12/5)

Pres. Clinton telephones Pres. al-Asad to discuss peace process, Secy. of State Warren Christopher's upcoming trip to region. Later, meets Israeli FM Peres in Budapest, says he does not have good news fr. Syria. (MM 12/5; 12/5 in FBIS 12/6)

FMs of Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Tunisia hold "mini-summit" at CSCE conference; agree to form regional security organization similar to CSCE that would meet biannually in Vienna on FM level. (HA 12/6 in FBIS 12/7)

Gen. John Shalikashvili, chmn. of Joint Chiefs of Staff, arrives in Israel for mtg. at Israeli DMin. on possible security arrangements for Golan. (MM, WT 12/6; MM 12/7)

Maj. Gen. Danny Rothschild resigns as Israeli negotiator to talks on elections, is replaced by Brig. Gen. Gadi Zohar. (AFP 12/5 in FBIS 12/5; WT 12/6; JP 12/17) (see 12/3)

Israel grants citizenship to 618 collaborators and their families. (Ma'ariv 12/5 in FBIS 12/7)

Near East Report reports Israel ranks highest in voting coincidence with U.S. in UN for 1994 (93.5%), Arab League states lowest (22.8%). (Near East Report 12/5)

Hariri agrees to stay on as PM of Lebanon after Syrian Pres. al-Asad hosts reconciliation mtg. btwn. Hariri, parliament speaker Nabih Birri. (MM 12/5; MENA 12/5 in FBIS 12/6; WP 12/6; RL 12/9 in FBIS 12/9) (see 12/2)