Jordan, PLO sign economic accord after 3 days of talks under which both sides coordinate economic policy, Jordanian banks in West Bank to reopen. (RMC 1/7 in FBIS 1/7; MM 1/7; NYT, WP, WT 1/8; text in al-Ray 1/9 in FBIS 1/10)
Israel releases 101 Palestinian prisoners whose sentences were to expire end 1/94. Most were sentenced for minor charges, including displaying Palestinian flag. Act brings to 700 number of Palestinians released in past 3 months. (MM 1/7; NYT, WP, WT 1/8)
Federal judge Stephen Wilson, presiding in "LA 8" deportation case of Palestinian immigrants arrested 1/87 for supporting PFLP, orders Clinton admin. to show deportation proceedings are not motivated by the immigrants' political views. Wilson notes, "Mere association with the PFLP is protected by the 1st Amendment. The PFLP is not solely a criminal organization. It does more than conduct terrorist operations." (NYT 1/9; MEI 2/4)