Thursday, January 13, 1994

Norwegian FM Johan Jorgen Holst, 56, who brokered Israel-PLO agreement, dies in Oslo after suffering 2d stroke in 2 mos. (WP, WT 1/14)

Edward P. Djerejian, frmr. U.S. amb. to Syria and asst. secy. of state, begins term as U.S. amb. to Israel. (MM 1/13; CSM 1/14)

PLO Econ. Dept. DG Ahmad Qurai' announces in Tunis creation of Palestinian Development Bank, with initial capital of $250 m., to channel aid to autonomous areas. (MM 1/13)

50 anti-DoP Palestinian inmates at Qetziot ("Ansar 3") prison camp launch hunger strike organized by PFLP, DFLP. (MM 1/14)