Tuesday, January 25, 1994
Israel-PLO Civilian Affairs Comm., mtg. in Taba, postpones work to 1/31, awaiting results of Arafat-Peres mtg. Gaza-Jericho talks resume in Cairo under PLO official Nabil Shaath, Israeli FMin. DG Uri Savir. (MENA 1/25 in FBIS 1/25, 1/26)
PLO and Egypt sign 5-yr. economic and technical cooperation agreement giving each side most-favored-nation status, supporting local industry, and exploring joint projects, including free zone at Rafah. (MM 1/25)
Molodet figure Shaul Gutman announces formation of breakaway body, called "Peace Guard," to pursue platform of "transfer." (Qol Yisra'el 1/25 in FBIS 1/25)