Israel hands over responsibility for tourism, social services in West Bank to PNA. Tourism dept. has no control over religious, archeological sites outside Jericho; can only issue licenses to hotels, tour guides, supervise souvenir shops. Soc. services dept. can issue welfare checks, run rehab. programs, treatment centers, but IDF will prevent transfer of money to Islamist groups. (MM 11/15; QY 11/15 in FBIS 11/16; NYT 11/16)
Israeli FMin. Dir. Gen. Uri Savir says mtg. was held recently at undisclosed location btwn. Israeli, Lebanese officials to discuss curbing Hizballah, Islamic Jihad. (MM 11/16)
PNA requests gas, electricity links with Egypt, opening of Rafah border point to Egyptian goods in hopes of breaking Palestinian dependence on Israel. (MENA 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)
Israeli-Jordanian committees on security, tourism convene to discuss implementation of peace agmt. (QY, RJ 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)
PLO Exec. Comm. is canceled after 10 of 18 mbrs. fail to show. (RMC 11/15, QY 11/16 in FBIS 11/16; AFP, QY, VOP 11/16 in FBIS 11/17; MM 11/17)
PM Rabin accuses Chmn. Arafat of doing little to prevent attacks on Israelis, says Israel-PLO accord may collapse, adds that arrest of 180 Islamic Jihad mbrs. is not enough of a reaction to bombing 11/11. (WT 11/16)