Israeli FM Peres, Arafat meet in Oslo; agree on $2.3 b aid package for autonomous areas after dropping aid to East Jerusalem projects; release 15-pt. joint declaration promising to no longer raise disputed issues with donor countries. (ITV 9/13 in FBIS 9/14; QY 9/13 in FBIS 9/15; MM, WT 9/14)
Special Knesset session is held to discuss Israeli negotiations with Syria, 11 motions are presented to restrict govt. action; less than 1/3 of MK's are present. Dep. DM Mordechai Gur says govt. will hold referendum only if it thinks an agmt. reached with Syria is significantly different from what the people want. (MM 9/14; JP 9/24)
Jordan-Israel talks conclude successfully: cooperation btwn. navies in Gulf of Eilat, new crossing point at Shaykh Hussein bridge, joint marketing of trips to Jordan, Israel agreed upon; research to begin on digging canal btwn. Red and Dead Seas. No progress made on water. (MM 9/13; JTV, QY, RJ 9/13 in FBIS 9/14)