PM Rabin tells Knesset Foreign Affairs Comm. that Israel has retracted its demand Syria cut its standing army as part of a peace agmt.; Syria realizes Israel has special security needs, no longer demands geographical "symmetry" in security arrangements, instead emphasizes overall "equality"; sides are deadlocked on principles underlying security arrangements. (MM 4/4; JP 4/4 in FBIS 4/4) (see 2/28)
Egypt's Pres. Mubarak has preliminary mtg. with Secy. of State Christopher to discuss NPT, peace process, bilateral relations. Christopher gives Mubarak report on Israel's nuclear program. (RE 4/3 in FBIS 4/4)
In response to queries by Senate Intelligence Comm., CIA reports that presently there is no clear successor to Arafat should he be removed, no evidence PA is involved in anti-Israeli attacks, little danger of Israel being attacked by outside power. (MM 5/4)
Israeli Amb. to the UN Gad Ya'aqobi says he has requested the UN remove its Truce Supervision Organization observer force fr. the Jordan-Israel border now that a treaty has been signed. (HA 4/3 in FBIS 4/5; WJW 4/13)
Fatah issues statement condemning Hamas for 4/2 explosion in Gaza, obstructing peace, dividing Palestinians. (al-Aqsa 4/4 in FBIS 4/7)
Despite PA ban on unapproved demonstrations, some 10,000 Hamas supporters rally in Gaza, claiming Israel, PA are behind 4/2 explosion. (NYT, WT 4/4; QY 4/5 in FBIS 4/6)