Sunday, June 11, 1995

Secy. of State Christopher meets with Arafat in Jericho, discusses implementing next stage of DOP, encourages donor countries to fulfill pledges, praises PA efforts to curb violence; meets quickly with King Hussein in Amman to brief him on visit, assure him U.S. will forgive debt; returns home. (JTV, RJ, VOP 6/11 in FBIS 6/12; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 6/12; al-Quds 6/12 in FBIS 6/15)

PM Rabin tells cabinet that even when IDF redeploys fr. areas of the West Bank, Israel will retain the right to enter main Palestinian population centers to maintain security. Civil Administration officials present Rabin with plans to transfer authority over agriculture, energy, insurance, local administration, trade and industry, labor, postal services. (QY 6/11 in FBIS 6/12; MM 6/12)