Friday, August 16, 1996
Israeli government orders IDF to draw up an operational concept for s. Lebanon for increased "initiated actions" outside the self-declared security zone, for possible implementation if attacks by Hizballah increase. (MM 8/16; CSM 8/23)
In Karak, Jordan, 1,000s of Jordanian riot against IMF-backed increases in bread prices, stone cars, burn buildings. Army deploys to enforce curfews to restore clam. King Hussein immediately suspends extraordinary session of parliament until 10/96. (NYT 8/16; WT 8/17; JTV 8/16, RMC 8/17, JT 8/19 in WNC 8/21; JT 8/17 in WNC 8/22; CSM, MM 8/19; MEI 9/6) (see 8/13)