Thursday, February 29, 1996

Hamas's political wing and Qassam Brigades issue leaflet denying responsibility for 2/25 bombings, call for a cease-fire with Israel through 3/8 to negotiate a truce. Israel rejects offer. Since the 2/25 bombings, PA security forces have detained over 250 people; most are Hamas affiliates. (QY 2/29 in FBIS 2/29; QY 2/29, al-Hayat, QY, SA 3/1 in FBIS 3/1; MM, NYT, WT 3/1; WT 3/2; NYT 3/4)

Lebanese army imposes an 11-hr. country-wide curfew to prevent a series of protests planned by supporters of the Lebanese Confederation of Trade Unions (LCTU) angry about the government ban on demonstrations, plans to tighten control over the press. The government had threatened to cut number radio stations fr. 150 to 10 and television stations fr. 50 to 6. 1,600 are arrested for braking curfew. (RL 2/28, VOL 2/29 in FBIS 2/29; NYT 2/29; AFP, RL 2/29, VOL 3/1 in FBIS 3/1; WT 3/2; MM 3/4) (see 2/27)

According to the French Press Agency, 200 of the SLA's 3,000 mbrs. have deserted since the beginning of the year. (CSM 2/29)