Saturday, January 20, 1996

Palestinian elections are held; 676 candidates run for the Palestinian Council, 2 for president. (WP, WT 1/20; ITV 1/20, QY 1/21 in FBIS 1/22; NYT, WT 1/21; CSM, MM, WT 1/22; WJW 1/25; JP 1/27; WJW 2/1; MEI 2/2; JP 2/3)

In East Jerusalem, 51 Arabs and Jews are arrested for incitement, disturbing the voting process. 3 are slightly injured. Kach mbrs. attack Arafat adviser Faisal Husseini, spray teargas at Palestinians, damage Palestinian shops. Heavy IDF deployments around polling stations keeps voter turnout low. (ITV, QY, VOP 1/20 in FBIS 1/22)

All Palestinian refugee camps in s. Lebanon--except al-Rashidiyya, which is strongly pro-Arafat--call general strikes to protest elections in the self-rule areas. (RL 1/20 in FBIS 1/22; MM 1/22)

PM Peres invites all PNC mbrs., incl. rejectionists and Islamists, to return to the self-rule areas (but not Jerusalem) for discussions on amending the PLO charter. (ITV, QY 1/20, JT, QY 1/22 in FBIS 1/22; MM 1/22)

IDF closes central Hebron after settler is stabbed, forcing voters find international observers who will escort them to the polls. Voter turnout estimated at 25 percent as a result. (QY 1/20 in FBIS 1/22; NYT, WT 1/21; WT 1/22)

McDonnel Douglas agrees to purchase $750 m. of equipment fr. Israeli defense companies in a buy-back deal under which the IAF will purchase 25 of McDonnel Douglas's F-15I planes for $2 b. (JP 1/20)