Wednesday, June 26, 1996

PC opens weekly 2-day session in Gaza. (VOP 6/26 in FBIS 6/27)

In his strongest attack on Syria since the 5/29 elections, Israeli PM Netanyahu accuses Syria of being a base for terror, says peace efforts with Damascus depend on its ending its "indirect war" with Israel; warns he may seek international economic sanctions against Syria. (MM 6/26; QY 6/26 in FBIS 6/27; CSM, WT 6/27)

In Cairo, U.S. Secy. of State Christopher meets separately with Arafat, Pres. Mubarak. In mtg. with Mubarak, Christopher acknowledged Palestinians right to self-determination as laid out in UN Res. 242 (see 6/25). (CSM, MM 6/26; MENA, RE 6/26 in FBIS 6/26; RE 6/26 in FBIS 6/27; CSM 6/27; MEI 7/5)

Alleged Palestinian assailants infiltrate border fr. Jordan, ambush IDF patrol nr. Jericho, killing 3 soldiers, wounding 2. Jordan permits IDF to cross border in pursuit; coordinates search for wanted men btwn. IDF, Jordanian army. Jordan's King Hussein calls PM Netanyahu to express his condolences. DM Mordechai blames the Jordanian army for not preventing the attack. Syrian-based group Fatah-Uprising takes responsibility, says its West Bank cell carried out the attack. (QPAR 6/26 in FBIS 6/26; JTV, QY, RMC 6/26, JP, YA 6/27 in FBIS 6/27; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/27; JP 7/6)

Iraqi security forces arrest, allegedly execute 100 INA mbrs. in n. Iraq. (WP 9/10) (see 6/23)