U.S. calls a mtg. of the ambs. of France, Israel, Lebanon, Syria to set up monitoring group for s. Lebanon in keeping with the cease-fire agmt. Differences arise on 4 points: chairmanship of the comm. (U.S., Israel want permanent U.S. chmn.; France, Lebanon want rotating chmn.); mission of the comm. (Lebanon wants it to be technical, military only; U.S. wants it to be political, military); headquarters (Lebanon wants offices in s. Lebanon, n. Israel; U.S., Israel want 1 office in Cyprus); confining complaints to the comm. (Lebanon wants the right to lodge complaints with the UNSC; France, Israel, U.S. want complaints to the comm. only). (WT 5/9; MENA, SARR 5/12 in FBIS 5/13) (see 5/4)
In s. Lebanon, 1 SLA mbr. is wounded by a roadside bomb. (QY 5/10 in FBIS 5/13)