Israeli, PA negotiations on Hebron resume in Jericho. (RJ 11/18 in WNC 11/19)
IDF eases closure, allowing 7,000 Palestinians fr. Gaza, 8,000 fr. West Bank into Israel to work, raising the total number of Palestinians allowed into Israel to 50,000. (WT 11/17)
Israel accuses Syria of developing with Russia nerve gas, other chemical weapons. (MM, WT 11/18)
In Ramallah, PA releases 3 Hamas mbrs. fr. jail to mark the 8th anniversary of the Palestine National Council's declaration of independence. (MM 11/18)
Shin Bet announces that it has detained Hamas mbr. Khadar Mubarak, is interrogating him on suspicion that has information that could prevent an attack. The detention is revealed after Mubarak's lawyer files a petition with the High Court, claiming that Mubarak is being tortured. (ITV 11/17 in WNC 11/19) (see 11/14)
PLO delegation led by Political Dept. head Faruq Qaddumi arrives in Beirut for 2-day talks on regional political developments. (RL 11/17, 11/19 in WNC 11/19)
Turkey inaugurates 2d bridge on the Turkish-Iraqi border at the al-Khubar border post. (Iraqi Television Network 11/17 in WNC 11/19)