Saturday, November 30, 1996

In Hebron, Palestinians clash with settlers, IDF. Several Palestinians are injured, 9 are arrested. (WT 12/1; ITV 12/1 in WNC 12/3; JP 12/7)

The Jordanian Interior Min. grants a license to operate to a new human rights organization, the Jordanian Human Rights Society, headed by Sulayman Suways. (al-Dustur 12/1 in WNC 12/3) (see 10/19)

Iraq sentences 4 Iraqis to death, 1 to life imprisonment for committing crimes against Jordanians. (al-Dustur 11/30 in WNC 12/3)     

IDF kills 2 Hizballah mbrs. in s. Lebanon. (ITV 11/30, RL 12/1 in WNC 12/3)