Thursday, October 10, 1996

Israel, PA, U.S. decide to relocate talks to Taba and Elat beginning 10/14. Talks will be closed to the media, held continuously. (ITV 10/10 in WNC 10/15)

Israel lifts restrictions on Palestinians movement among all West Bank towns, villages except Nablus (because of the attack on Joseph's Tomb 9/26); increases number of Palestinian workers allowed into Israel to 14,000; says it will soon allow 35,000 Palestinian workers into Israel. (QY 10/10 in IL 10/10; MM, NYT 10/11; YA 10/11 in IL 10/11; JP 10/19)

EU gives Jordan $125-m. grant to ease effects of economic structural reforms. (RJ 10/10 in WNC 10/15)

German officials arrest married couple of undisclosed nationality in connection with the 1986 Berlin discothéque bombing, issue warrants for 4 Libyans (3 diplomats, 1 intelligence operative, all now thought to be in Libya). (NYT, WT 10/12)