Under pressure fr. Egypt and the U.S., Arafat agrees to resume security coordination with Israel. (MM 7/1, 7/2)
In Hebron, Palestinians escalate protests against posters depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a pig. IDF soldiers shoot, wound 25 Palestinians. A crude pipe bomb is thrown at the soldiers, injuring 2. PA calls for 1-hr. general strike 7/2. Pro-Oslo factions stage march in support of the PA's stand, but only 500 persons, rather than the 1,000s that organizers anticipated, take part. (IDF Radio 7/1 in WNC 7/2; CSM, NYT, WT 7/2; YA 7/2 in WNC 7/3; PR 7/4) (see 6/28)
8 Force 17 mbrs. indicted in the beating death of Nasir Radwan plead not guilty. 1,000s of Palestinians protest brutality of PA security forces at Radwan's funeral in Gaza. (NYT, WP, WT 7/2; JP 7/5) (see 6/30)
Saudi Arabian envoy visits Iran to deliver to Pres. Rafsanjani messages fr. King Fahd, Crown Prince Abdullah on expanding bilateral relations. (WP, WT 7/2)
1 Hizballah mbr. is killed in clash with IDF in s. Lebanon. (RL 7/2 in WNC 7/3)