Sunday, October 19, 1997

U.S. special envoy Ross returns to the Middle East; meets separately with Netanyahu, Arafat; listens to complaints fr. both sides to try to forge compromise package/new framework for further negotiations. (WT 10/19; MM, NYT, WT 10/20)

Shaykh Yasin announces that Hamas has temporarily halted attacks on Israel; cooling-off period will last if Israel halts punitive measures against Palestinians, such as economic sanctions, closures, house  demolitions, land seizures. (WP, WT 10/20)

Israel agrees to extradite Sheinbein, must now fight appeal by Sheinbein's lawyers. (WT 10/18; NYT, WP 10/20; WJW 10/23; MEI 10/24) (see 9/29)

Japan creates $60 m. fund to support Jordan's socioeconomic development, discusses possibility of rescheduling Jordan's $72 m. debt to Tokyo. (JT 10/20 in WNC 10/22)

In s. Lebanon, Hizballah detonates roadside bomb as SLA vehicle passes, killing 2 SLA mbrs. (IDF Radio, RL 10/19 in WNC 10/22)