Wednesday, April 15, 1998

In Cairo, Syria's Pres. Asad briefs Pres. Mubarak on results of 4/13 Syrian-Lebanese summit in Latakia, discusses holding mini-Arab summit. (ESC Television [Cairo], MENA, RMC, SANA, SATN 4/15 in WNC 4/16; MENA 4/15 in WNC 4/17; MM 4/16; al-Thawra, Tishrin 4/16 in WNC 4/21)

King Hussein sends letter to PM Majali, asking him to prevent media criticism of Arafat, the PA, the peace process; to draft new press law that will "safeguard the interests of the kingdom." (JTV 4/15 in WNC 4/16; al-Ra'i 4/21 in WNC 4/28) (see 1/26)

In Amman, Jordan, Iran discuss expanding cultural, religious relations. (IRNA 4/16 in WNC 4/17)

Israel releases administrative detainees Ahmad Qattamesh (held 5 yrs., 8 mos.), Hassan Fatafteh (held 4 yrs.). Both men are Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine activists. (MM 4/16; PR 4/17; JP 4/25)

Jordan releases opposition leader Shubailat, arrested 2/20 during Ma'an riots. (JT 4/15 in WNC 4/16; MEI 4/24)