Thursday, August 27, 1998

A bomb explodes in a Tel Aviv trash can, seriously injuring 1 Israeli, lightly wounding 27. No one claims responsibility. (MM 8/27; IDF Radio, MENA, QY 8/27 in WNC 8/28; MENA 8/27 in WNC 8/31; CSM, NYT, WP 8/28; MM 9/1; PR 9/4; JP 9/5; WJW 9/8)

Israel's Jerusalem city authorities approve U.S. millionaire Irving Moskowitz's plan to build 132 housing units for Jews in the Palestinian neighborhood of Ras al-Amud in East Jerusalem. (MM, WP 8/28; PR 9/4, 9/11)

A U.S. federal judge orders Iran to pay $65 m. to 3 Americans (Joseph Cicippio, Frank Reed, David Jacobsen) who were kidnapped by Hizballah in Lebanon in the 1980s. (NYT, WP 8/28; WP 9/27) (see 3/11)

 The IDF mobilizes 2,000 troops in Hebron to prevent violence as 1,000 settlers gather to mark end of 7-day mourning period for rabbi killed 8/20. Settlers beat Palestinian reporters covering the event. (NYT 8/28)