Following phone conversation with Secy. of State Albright 1/25 regarding her talks with Arafat, PM Netanyahu tells coalition mbrs. that he now supports U.S. proposal for staged FRD based on the principle of reciprocity, says that Israel cannot "rule out the possibility of an interim terrace." (ITV 1/26 in WNC 1/27; MM 1/27; IDF Radio 1/27 in WNC 1/30)
After mtg. with UK PM Tony Blair in London, Arafat calls for an Arab summit to discuss the peace process. (MM, WT 1/27; RE, RMC, YA 1/27 in WNC 1/30)
Israeli DM Mordechai meets with Jordan's King Hussein in Amman to brief the king on Netanyahu's trip to Washington, discuss the need to continue the peace process, strengthen security cooperation. (JTV 1/26 in WNC 1/27; IGPO, MM 1/27)
EU FMs mtg. is held in Brussels. Participants agree to become more involved in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict, Middle Eastern politics. (MM 1/27)
PA Labor M Samir Ghawshah resigns to protests Arafat's failure to ratify civil service law, take steps against corruption. (JP 2/7)
Israel arrests 2 Israeli-Arab bedouin for planning a suicide attack. Israeli Internal Security M Avigdor Kahalani praises PA for its cooperation, but PM Netanyahu objects that PA assistance came "at the end of the road, not the beginning." (MM 1/27; MA 1/28 in WNC 2/2; WT 2/7)
Jordan's Supreme Court suspends controversial press law, saying parliament should have been given time to debate the draft law before it was put into effect by the government, allowing to reopen 13 papers that had been forced to close. Parliament will begin debate on the measure when it reconvenes in 2/98. (RJ 1/26 in WNC 1/27; JT 1/27 in WNC 1/30; JT 2/5 in WNC 2/6) (see 5/17/97, 9/27/97)