Sunday, July 5, 1998

In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, King Hussein, PA's Arafat hold tripartite summit in Cairo to discuss latest developments in the peace process given the "deteriorating situation in the occupied Palestinian territories"; warn that tensions are reaching dangerous levels; discuss 6/30 UNSC debate, possible Arab summit. (AFP, ESC Television, IDF Radio, MENA, VOA 7/5, MENA, VOA 7/6 in WNC 7/7; MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/6; al-Akhbar 7/6 in WNC 7/13; CSM, PR 7/10; MEI 7/17)

PM Netanyahu, Public Security M Avigdor Kahalani, the head of the Shin Bet, reps. of other security bodies hold follow-up mtg. on how to deal with the "worrisome phenomenon" of "Palestinization" of Israeli Arabs. (MA 7/7 in WNC 7/13; PR 7/17) (see 7/1)

In the 2d of 4 days of talks in Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia discuss converting their current trade agmt. into a free trade agmt. (JT, RJ 7/5 in WNC 7/7)

Jewish settlers torch 4 Palestinian produce stalls in the Hebron market. (WJW 7/9)