In Washington, Pres. Clinton meets with Netanyahu and Arafat, who agree on essentials of a 13% FRD but differ on "parallel" Palestinian actions to ensure Israeli security. Announce plans for another 3-way mtg. in the U.S. in mid-10/98 to finalize agmt. (MM 9/28; ITV 9/28 in WNC 9/29; HA [Internet], MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/29; Les Echos 9/29 in WNC 9/30; CSM 9/30; al-Akhbar 9/30 in WNC 10/1; WJW 10/1; MEI, MM, PR 10/2; JP 10/3, 10/10)
Arafat returns to New York City to address the UNGA. Under pressure fr. the U.S., he does not mention declaring of a state in 5/99. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/29; CSM 9/30; MM 10/1; MEI, MM, PR 10/2; JP 10/10) (see 9/23)
Fmr. UNSCOM inspector Ritter reveals that for 4 yrs., Israel analyzed intelligence data on Iraq for UNSCOM. (MM 9/28; HA [Internet], WP 9/29; MM, WT 9/30; al-Thawra 9/30 in WNC 10/6; MM 10/1 WP 10/11, 10/12) (see 8/26)
In Umm al-Fahm, Israeli Arabs, Israeli security forces clash for 2d day, with some police firing live ammunition, leaving 11 residents wounded. Town observes general strike to protest police brutality. (MM 9/28; MM, WT 9/29; MEI, PR 10/2; MM 10/5; JP 10/10)
Israeli police free settler who killed a Palestinian boy 9/17. (MEI, PR 10/2) (see 9/19)