Wednesday, April 28, 1999

PCC resumes debate on declaration of state issue. (MM 4/28; MBC 4/28 in WNC 4/29; al-Quds 4/29 in WNC 5/3)

After being briefed by the State Dept. on the U.S.'s 4/26 letter to the PA, Israel accepts in principle Pres. Clinton's call for an extension of the interim period. (Prime Minister's Report 4/30)

U.S. State Dept. spokesman Rubin says that the U.S. is "deeply concerned" that Israel has repeatedly broken promises not expand settlements onto land not immediately adjacent to existing settlements. (MM 4/29)

Jordanian-Syrian border crossing comm. opens 3 days of talks in Damascus. Jordan proposes adopting identity cards, rather than passports, for travel btwn. the 2 countries. (JT 5/1 in WNC 5/3) (see 4/26)

Under pressure fr. farmers' groups, large corporations, the U.S. eases sanctions to allow sale of food, medical supplies to Iran, Libya, Sudan, other nations accused of supporting "terrorism"; adopts a general exemption for food, medicine whenever the U.S. imposes trade sanctions. (NYT, WP, WT 4/29; MM 4/30; MEI 5/7)

PA police confront an IDF patrol that accidentally strayed into Silleh village in West Bank area A, nr. Jinin. When the patrol refuses to halt, police open fire, wounding an IDF soldier. IDF declares the area around Jinin a closed military zone. (NYT, WP 4/29; NYT 5/1; JP 5/7)

To improve their chances in the upcoming 7/99 municipal elections, 13 Jordanian opposition parties agree to form a unified list, but decide to exclude the Islamist opposition party, the IAF. (al-Dustur 4/30 in WNC 5/3; SA 5/2 in WNC 5/5)