Tuesday, February 2, 1999
King Hussein undergoes bone marrow transplant at Mayo Clinic. (MM 2/2; JTV 2/2 in WNC 2/4; NYT, WP, WT 2/3)
On a television talk show, PM Netanyahu compares Labor campaign rival Barak to Hitler. The audience, stacked with Likud supporters sent by the PM's Office, applauds Netanyahu's statements; insults, spits on Labor party mbrs. in the audience. (MM 2/2; MM, WT 2/3; MA 2/3 in WNC 2/4; MM 2/4; JP 2/12)
U.S. planes destroy 2 of 3 new antiship missile sites in s. Iraq. Pentagon says that U.S., British jets have attacked more antiaircraft, missile batteries than they did during the 12/16-19 operation. (NYT, WP 2/3)