Monday, July 26, 1999

Jordan's King Abdallah stops in Damascus on his way home fr. Morocco to hold previously unannounced talks with Pres. Asad on strategies for reviving Israeli-Syrian negotiations. On his return to Amman, the king phones PM Barak to brief him on his talk with Asad. (JTV, RJ 7/26 in WNC 7/27; WP, WT 7/27; QA, SA 7/27 in WNC 7/28; YA 7/28 in WNC 7/29; QA 7/29 in WNC 8/2; NYT 7/30)

PC speaker Ahmad Qurai` visits the Knesset as a guest of the new Knesset speaker, Burg. (MM 7/26; MM, NYT, WT 7/27; NYT 7/28; WT, MEI 7/30; JP 8/6)

At the Knesset, Likud brings a no-confidence motion against Barak, charging that he informed Arab leaders of his peace plans before briefing his own government. Few MKs show up for the vote, and the motion fails by a large majority. (NYT 7/27)

In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak receives Turkish pres. Demirel for talks on the peace process, regional issues. (ATL, MENA 7/26 in WNC 7/27; ATL 7/26 in WNC 7/27)

The IDF enters the West Bank village of Aqaba, dismantles and removes the village's electricity system, which residents had installed at their own expense, because the Israeli Civil Administration had never provided them with electricity. (Israel Peace Bloc press release 8/5)