Sunday, May 2, 1999

Jordan, Syria begin 3 days of water talks in Damascus, focusing on water sharing given expected drought this summer, implementation of al-Wahda dam project. Syria agrees to provide Jordan with an additional 8 mcm of water to offset 10% projected shortage. (SANA 5/2, JT 5/3 in WNC 5/4; MM 5/4; JT 5/4 in WNC 5/5; MEI 5/7; SA 5/9, al-Ra'i 5/12 in WNC 5/13; al-Ra'i 5/17 in WNC 5/18)

The PA calls on Syria to convene a summit aimed at renewing bilateral relations. (AFP 5/2 in WNC 5/3; al-Quds 5/2 in WNC 5/4; AFP, RMC 5/5 in WNC 5/6)

In Tehran, Iran, Saudi Arabia open 4 days of talks on military cooperation, improving defense ties, but are vague on what form such coordination would take. Iran proposes forming an Arab-Islamic axis, comprising Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, to counter the U.S.-Israel-Turkey alliance. (NYT, WT 5/3; GIU 5/4; MM 5/6; al-Musawwar 5/14 in WNC 5/17)