Saturday, April 15, 2000

Lebanese pres. Lahoud arrives in Saudi Arabia on the 1st leg of a 7-nation tour to build support for Lebanon in advance of an Israeli withdrawal. (Daily Star [Internet] 4/17)

The New York Times runs extensive coverage of a classified CIA report on the inner workings of the 1953 Iranian coup, orchestrated by the U.S. and UK, that brought Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi to power. According to the document, which was obtained fr. an unnamed source, the aim of the coup was "to bring to power a government which would reach an equitable oil settlement . . . [and] vigorously prosecute the dangerously strong Communist Party." (NYT 4/16) (see 3/28)

Nr. Bracka settlement in the West Bank, 6 armed Jewish settlers assault a 71-yr.-old Palestinian woman, threaten to bury her alive. A passing Palestinian motorist stops the attack, takes the woman to the hospital for treatment for bruises, shock. (LAW 4/17)