Wednesday, January 5, 2000

In Shepherdstown, Israeli-Syrian comms. on security arrangements and normalization meet. The U.S. holds informal discussions with the teams on withdrawal, water. Secy. Albright holds separate mtgs. with Barak, Shara`. (NYT, WP, WT 1/6; MEI 1/14)

Pres. Clinton, Secy. of State Albright send letters to Lebanese pres. Lahoud stating that the U.S. is optimistic that, now that Syrian-Israeli talks have resumed, progress can be made soon on the Lebanese-Israeli track. (RL 1/5 in WNC 1/6)

Israel transfers 3% of Israeli controlled area C to jointly controlled area B and 2% of area B to PA-controlled area A. (MM 1/5; CSM, NYT, WP 1/6; JP, MEI 1/14) (see Peace Monitor)

Fmr. Russian pres. Boris Yeltsin arrives in Israel for Orthodox Christmas celebrations. This private visit was planned as an official trip before Yeltsin resigned on 12/31. (Interfax, ITAR-TASS 1/5 in WNC 1/6, WP, WT 1/6; NYT, WP 1/7)