In Shepherdstown, the Israeli, Syrian teams begin discussing the U.S. working paper, reportedly address Israeli withdrawal fr. the Golan for 1st time. State Dept. notes some progress but says it is too early for the U.S. to step in with "dramatic bridging proposals." Pres. Clinton returns to Shepherdstown to dine with Barak, Shara`. (MENA 1/9 in WNC 1/10; NYT, WP, WT 1/10; MEI 1/14)
The London-based daily al-Hayat publishes a document, reportedly leaked by Syria, that claims to outline the differing Syrian and Israeli positions reflected in the U.S. working paper and that implies Israel's consent to withdrawal fr. the Golan. Israel says the report is "partial and inaccurate." (MM 1/10, 2/9)
The Israeli DMin. announces that the number of soldiers deployed to guard West Bank, Gaza settlements will be reduced by 40% in line with a general cut in the army budget. Settlers accuse the government of discrimination. (WT 1/12)
In s. Lebanon, 1 IDF soldier is wounded when a Hizballah roadside bomb explodes. (RL 1/9 in WNC 1/10; MEI 1/14)