Friday, July 21, 2000
Low-key PA-Israeli talks continue at Camp David, with Secy. of State Albright shuttling btwn. negotiating teams. (MM, State Dept. press briefing 7/21; NYT, WP 7/22; al-Quds 7/22 in WNC 7/24)
Egyptian pres. Mubarak receives a call fr. Israeli PM Barak fr. Camp David. He then phones Syrian pres. Bashar al-Asad and Jordan's King Abdallah to exchange views on the latest developments at the summit. (MENA 7/21 in WNC 7/24)
Police in Charlotte, NC, arrest 18 people for a money laundering scheme in which they allegedly skimmed cigarette taxes, funneled the profits of upward of $1 m. to Hizballah in Lebanon. Hizballah denies any connection to those arrested. (WP, WT 7/22; NYT 7/24)