Sunday, July 30, 2000

In Jericho, Eran and Erakat, the Israeli and PA interim affairs negotiators, discuss PA-Israeli relations in the wake of the Camp David summit, agree to hold more mtgs. this wk. to try to move final status negotiations forward. (WT 7/31)

The Israeli and PA senior negotiators on security affairs, Israel's Internal Security M Ben-Ami and the PA's Gaza PSF head Muhammad Dahlan meet in Gaza to review security arrangements discussed at Camp David, discuss the release of more Palestinian prisoners. (Associated Press [Internet] 7/30; JP [Internet] 7/31)

The PA police arrest senior Hamas official `Abd al-`Aziz Rantisi on charges of incitement for criticizing the PA's handling of the Camp David talks. (al-Quds 7/31 in WNC 8/2; LAW 8/3; HJ 8/3 in WNC 8/4; al-Quds 8/10 in WNC 8/14)

UNIFIL resumes its deployment in s. Lebanon, setting up bases at 4 points along the blue line. (WT 7/31; WJW 8/3) (see 7/28)

After receiving assurances for his safety fr. pres. Lahoud, Fmr. pres. Amin Gemayel, a Christian leader who was forced into exile over his alliance with the U.S. against Syria during the Lebanese civil war, returns to Lebanon for the 1st time in 8 yrs. Some 3,000 supports rally to welcome him in his hometown of Bikfayya. (WP 7/31; MM 8/3; see also MM 7/19)

Jewish settlers erect 30 mobile homes on 3 sites (Qaryat, Jaloud, Lubban) nr. Nablus, and confiscate 50 dunams of Palestinian land in Mawasi nr. Rafah, begin constructing 50 greenhouses. (PA Information Min. press release 7/30; LAW 8/10)