Sunday, February 25, 2001

Israeli-Palestinian clashes continue, leaving 1 Palestinian dead. A 2d, ailing Palestinian dies at an IDF checkpoint after soldiers bar him fr. crossing to reach a hospital in Ramallah. The IDF directs shells, heavy machine gun fire on residential areas of Hebron, Qalqilya, Tulkarm. Jewish settlers bulldoze Palestinian land around Ashkalot settlement, place new caravans on the site. Settlers are also reportedly moving boundary fences, adding trailers, bulldozing Palestinian land around Beit Hagay, Gush Etzion, Karme Tzur, Nahal Najhout, Tene settlements. (HP 2/26; HJ 2/26 in WNC 2/27; LAW 3/1)

U.S. Secy. of State Powell meets with Sharon in Israel, PA head Yasir Arafat in Ramallah (marking only the 2d time Israel has allowed Arafat into the West Bank since 9/28/00); urges them to halt violence, resume security cooperation, improve Palestinian economic conditions in the West Bank, Gaza; ensures Sharon that the U.S. commitment to Israel's security will remain solid under the Bush administration. Powell then stops in Amman to meet King Abdallah of Jordan, heads on to Kuwait for celebrations marking the 10th anniversary of the end of the Gulf War. (AP, HA, REU 2/25; MM, NYT, WP 2/26; JT, MA 2/26 in WNC 2/27; AYM 2/26 in WNC 3/5; HA 2/27; MM 2/28; QA 2/28 in WNC 3/1; MA 3/1, SA 3/4 in WNC 3/5; JP, MEI 3/9)