Saturday, October 12, 2002

The IDF fatally shoots a Palestinian farmer and demolishes a chicken farm, irrigation system in Abasan; bulldozes 6 dunams of Palestinian land nr. Kefar Darom; uses an amublance carrying patients as cover for firing on stone-throwing Palestinians in Nablus. In Hebron, Jewish settlers bar the muezzin at the Ibrahimi Mosque/Tomb of the Patriarchs fr. giving the call to prayer; invade Waqf offices, vandalizing equipment, making a bonfire out of documents (including deeds to all Waqf property in the city); break into a local Palestinian school, spray painting walls with "Death to Arabs," Stars of David. Jewish settlers fire on Palestinians harvesting olive nr. Nablus, causing no injuries; the IDF intervenes, arresting 6 Palestinians, barring others fr. continuing the harvest. Jewish settlers set fire to an olive grove nr. Ramallah, destroying around 2,000 trees. (HA, MM 10/14; LAW, PCHR 10/16)