Israel says it will bar Arafat fr. attending Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem for the 3d straight yr. The IDF imposes a curfew on, raids Balata r.c., firing on stonethrowing youths who confront the troops, killing a nearby Palestinian child, wounding at least 10; sends troops into Halhul nr. Hebron as school lets out, firing on stone-throwing Palestinian children, wounding 1, arresting 1, damaging a clearly marked press vehicle driven by an AP cameraman, who says soldiers deliberately opened fire on him with live ammunition; conducts arrest raids, house searches nr. Hebron, in Tulkarm; demolishes a PSF post in Dayr al-Balah. (NYT, PR., WP 12/17; PCHR 12/18; WP 12/22)
After the U.S. capture of Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein on 12/14, Israel acknowledges that in 1992 it aborted a plan to assassinate Hussein after 5 IDF soldiers were killed on 11/5/92 in a training exercise practicing the operation. (MM 12/16; WT 12/17)