Sunday, June 5, 2005
The IDF fires on a group of Palestinian teenagers who stray close to the fence around Gaza’s Neve Dekalim settlement, injuring 1; demolishes a Palestinian home, several farm buildings in Yatta; raids a dental clinic in Hebron, arrests the director, questions the staff, summons local Palestinians for questioning; conducts arrest raids in Tulkarm, exchanging fire with wanted Palestinians, detaining 3, wounding 1. Armed AMB mbrs. occupy the PA Interior Min. offices in Nablus to protest the ministry’s failure to provide them protection, salaries; 1 AMB mbr., 1 PA security officer are injured in scuffles outside the complex; the standoff ends when the PA reportedly agrees to their demands. (AP 6/5; PR 6/8; PCHR 6/9; al-Ahram 6/10)