Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Jerusalem Post reports that PLO chief negotiator Saeb Erakat met with EU mission heads in Jerusalem last month to ask for help in drafting the resolution for the UNGA on the Palestinian non-member state upgrade. (JP 10/3)

The Danish FM urges the EU to force stores to label products from Israeli settlements in the West Bank, an initiative relating to a decision taken by EU foreign ministers in 5/2012 to enforce existing legislation regarding settlement produce. (HA 10/3)

In the West Bank, the IDF confiscates Palestinian farmland in the Fukin valley nr. Bethlehem; photographs Palestinian houses in the Umm Rokba area s. of al-Khadir village nr. Bethlehem, an area nr. a settlement outpost where many homes have been served demolition orders. The IDF also raids a school near the al-Ibrahimi Mosque/Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron in the morning and patrols in 1 village nr. Hebron (firing sound bombs and rubber-coated bullets, wounding 1 child); patrols in Tulkarm at night, using stun grenades and tear-gas bombs in response to Palestinian stonethrowing, and in 2 villages nr. Hebron; conducts an arrest raid in 1 village nr. Hebron. (PCHR 10/4)