Saturday, November 23, 2013
In the West Bank, IDF troops clash with Palestinians trying to stop Jewish settlers from stoning cars outside the entrance to Jalazun r.c., wounding 5 with live ammunition and 10 with rubber-coated metal bullets. IDF troops also clash with residents of a village nr. Ramallah during a raid, wounding 1 child in the leg with live ammunition. At night, IDF troops conduct house searches and arrest raids in 3 villages nr. Hebron and 1 village nr. Bethlehem; patrols in 1 village each nr. Hebron and Ramallah. In al-Khadir nr. Bethlehem, Palestinian activists break a hole through the separation wall alongside Route 60. (MNA 11/23; PCHR 11/28)
Egyptian authorities close the Rafah crossing with Gaza for a 2nd consecutive day. (AFP, MNA 11/23)