Israeli police shoot and kill a Palestinian youth outside the Old City of Jerusalem after he allegedly stabs and injures 2 of them. Israeli forces then raid the alleged attacker’s home in Jabal Mukabir, sparking minor clashes with residents of the area; 5 Palestinians are arrested. Elsewhere in East Jerusalem, Israeli forces arrest 8 Palestinians during raids in Silwan. In the West Bank, hundreds of Palestinians gather in Ramallah to protest the PASF’s violent assault on protesters on 3/12, and to call for PA pres. Abbas to end security coordination with Israel and resign. Meanwhile, IDF troops arrest 13 Palestinians during raids nr. Jenin, Hebron, Nablus, and Bethlehem; and patrol nr. Hebron and Ramallah. Along Gaza’s border, IDF troops arrest 3 Palestinians attempting to cross into Israel. (HA, IMEMC, JP, MNA, TOI, WAFA 3/13; EI 3/14; PCHR 3/16)
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) announces that it will not be participating in the municipal elections set for 5/13 in protest of the PA’s repression of demonstrations against security coordination on 3/12. Meanwhile, a PA spokesperson announces that Ramallah’s chief of police Abd al-Latif al-Qaddumi has resigned, but denies that his resignation is coming as a result of the 3/12 protests against PA security coordination with Israel, which were held outside a court in Ramallah and violently dispersed by PA security forces. PM Hamdallah announces that he has appointed a fact-finding comm. to look into the events at the 3/12 protests. (MNA 3/13; JP 3/14)
Jason Greenblatt, U.S. pres. Trump’s special representative for international negotiations, meets with Israeli PM Netanyahu in Jerusalem for 5 hours. According to a joint statement, they discussed settlements “in the hope of working out an approach that is consistent with the goal of advancing peace and security.” Later, Greenblatt meets with senior Palestinian officials in Ramallah, who tell him they are interested in the Trump admin. presenting its own plan for a peace deal. Greenblatt is set to remain in Israel and the oPt all week for more meetings, including with PA pres. Abbas on 3/14. (ALM, HA, JP 3/13; HA, NYT, TOI, WAFA 3/14)