In the West Bank, PA president Mahmoud Abbas extended his state of emergency declaration related to the COVID-19 outbreak to June 5. Since the outbreak, the West Bank has had 345 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 2 COVID-19-related deaths. Israeli forces handed a demolition notice for a Palestinian-owned house in Ya‘bad and stop-work notifications for 6 structures near Tulkarm. 1 Palestinian was arrested during a late-night raid in Bayt Awa. In East Jerusalem, Israeli forces arrested 13 Palestinians during late-night raids; 7 of the arrested are accused of working for or being funded by the PA. In Gaza, Israeli forces opened fire on agricultural lands east of Khuza‘a; no injuries were reported. In Israel, Palestinian citizens of Israel went on strike in many places to protest the disproportionately low compensation that business owners in Palestinian-majority neighborhoods have received of the COVID-19 aid, about 1.7 percent. (HA 5/2; AJ, HA, JP, REU, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA 5/5; PCHR 5/7)
The EU donated $41 million to the PA to help payments of salaries and pensions to civil servants. (WAFA 5/5)