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  • March 20, 1999

    Refugee Working Group holds 2 mtgs. in Paris to follow up on family reunification talks. (al-Hayat 3/22; MM 4/6)

    Jordan, Egypt, PA hold long-delayed...

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Refugee Working Group holds 2 mtgs. in Paris to follow up on family reunification talks. (al-Hayat 3/22; MM 4/6)

Jordan, Egypt, PA hold long-delayed tripartite coordination mtg. in Amman to discuss the post-Oslo period (MENA, RJ, VOA 3/20, al-Quds 3/21 in WNC 3/22; WT 3/21; JT 3/22 in WNC 3/23)

In Athens, Arafat meets with Greek pres. Kostis Stephanopoulos. (Athens News Agency 3/21 in WNC 3/22)

The PA releases 2 Palestinian political detainees. 1 of the prisoners, Harb al-Daqs, had been held without charge for 3 yrs. (PR 3/26)

Following cooperation talks with the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamic Action Front (IAF) party, Jordan's main opposition party, King Abdallah releases 15 Islamists who were detained over the past few wks. for security reasons, orders general amnesty to coincide with upcoming Id al-Adha holiday under which some 600 prisoners will be freed. (AFP 3/20 in WNC 3/22)

Lebanese military court sentences 6 persons to death for collaborating with Israel. (MENA 3/20 in WNC 3/22)