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  • May 20, 1996

    In Washington, France, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, the U.S. resume talks on the function of the Israeli-Lebanese cease-fire monitoring group; agree U.S., France will be group's cochairs. (MM 5/20; MM...

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In Washington, France, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, the U.S. resume talks on the function of the Israeli-Lebanese cease-fire monitoring group; agree U.S., France will be group's cochairs. (MM 5/20; MM, WT 5/21) (see 5/19)

Cmdr. of the Turkey's navy, Adm. Guven Erkaya, arrives in Israel for an official visit. (MM 5/20, 5/21)

Arafat adviser Faisal Husseini holds talks with Moroccan businessmen. (PR 5/31)

IDF arrests 13 Palestinians nr. Nablus, Tulkarm, Janin in connection with attacks on Israelis. (QY 5/20 in FBIS 5/21)

Turkish PM Mesut Yilmaz accuses Syria of backing the Kurdish Worker's Party. Syrian denounces the accusation. (SARR 5/20, 5/21 in FBIS 5/21; JP 6/1)

UN signs deal with Iraq, allowing Iraq to sell $2 b. of oil over 6 mos.; use money to buy food, medicine. (CSM, MM 5/22; JP 5/22 in FBIS 5/22; JP 6/1)

In Beirut, fmr. Lebanese Forces militia leader Samir Ja`ja` is convicted of murdering Phalange faction rival Ilyas al-Zayik in 1992, is given death sentence commuted to life in prison. (NYT 5/21) (see 6/24/95)