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  • November 4, 1990

    Sec. Baker visits U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia; soldiers say they wanted to get fighting over with so they could go home IWP, NYT, MEM 11/5]; Baker then flies to Manama for 2-day visit [WAKH 11/4...

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  • October 15, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ariel Sharon accuses P.M. Shimon Peres of "withholding information about important diplomatic talks from the govemment" [BG 10/18]....

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Sec. Baker visits U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia; soldiers say they wanted to get fighting over with so they could go home IWP, NYT, MEM 11/5]; Baker then flies to Manama for 2-day visit [WAKH 11/4 in FBIS 11/5].

After weeks of delay, lead contingent of Syrian armored division, bringing Soviet-built T-62 tanks arrives in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. Contingent is 1st of a promised 15,000- man division to take up positions with multinational force in Gulf [WP, NYT 11/5].

Iraqi Defense Ministry calls up retired officers from military reserves [AFP, BADS 11/4 in FBIS 11/6], while Iraqi Information Minister tells reporters that Iraq will not leave Kuwait, even if it leads to war [WP, NYT, MEM 11/5].

In Alexandria, Pres. Mitterrand says UN embargo against Iraq should be given more time to be effective: "The embargo demands patience. Every week we achieve new results ... Saddam Hussein is driving the world into a destructive war, but his destruction will be even worse" [WP 11/5]. Mitterrand meets with Pres. Mubarak [MENA 11/4 in FBIS 11/5].

Israeli gov't dismisses as "one sided" UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar's 11/1 suggestion that Palestinian safety be placed in hands of UN meeting [JDS 11/4 in FBIS 11/5; WP, NYT, MEM 11/5].

Clashes between IDF and Palestinians in Gaza continue for 2d day; at least 86 Palestinians are wounded [JDS 11/4 in FBIS 11/6].

Abul Abbas, Palestine Liberation Front leader, confirms rumors that Libya has expelled 145 PLF members and closed down 4 training camps [WP 11/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ariel Sharon accuses P.M. Shimon Peres of "withholding information about important diplomatic talks from the govemment" [BG 10/18]. Knesset votes 39-22 to limit partially MK Muhammad Mi'ari's parliamentary immunity following speech he made in E. Jerusalem in which he expressed solidarity with Fahd Qawasmeh and Yasir Arafat [JP 11/7]. Nazareth district court finds Golan Heights Druze man Rafik Kalani, 20, guilty of giving information on Israeli army strength to Syria; Kalani allegedly confessed to the charges UP 10/16]. Galilee Palestinians demonstrate outside P.M. Shimon Peres' office while members of the Regional Committee of Arab Local Council Heads meet with Interior Ministry officials over $8 million in budget deficits plaguing the Arab councils inside the green line; Umm al-Fahm town has not been able to pay municipal employees for 5 months [FJ 11/18].

Arab World: King Hussein states there is "no truth at all" to PLO claims that last minute changes had been introduced toa statement Britain said 2 PLO delegates had agreed to sign; Hussein acknowledges that PLO rep. Muhammad Milham "was not aware, apparently, ofthe details" in the statement, negotiated by Jordan on behalf of the PLO, until it was shown to him in London [WP 10/16]. About 1,000 Sudanese demonstrators march on the U.S. embassy in Khartoum, buming the U.S. flag, after speech there by Yasir Arafat [NYT 10/16].

Other Countries: Pres. Reagan states he will "never" apologize to Pres. Mubarak for the interception of the Egyptian plane [NYT, WP 10/16]. British cabinet ministers have categorically denied the U.S. exerted any pressure to have the joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation meeting cancelled [CSM 10/16]. Italian Defense Ministry spokesman states U.S. evidence allegedly implicating Muhammad 'Abbas in the Achille Lauro affair arrived in Italy 30 minutes after 'Abbas had already been allowed to leave and it originally came from Israeli intelligence sources [WP 10/16]. Italy announces arrest and charging of 2 additional Palestinians for alleged involvement in the Achille Lauro hijacking [CT 10/16]. U.S. federal grand jury in Washington, D.C. begins hearings on Achille Lauro hijacking [LAT 10/17]. Friends and family of Leon Klinghoffer announce formation of memorial fund in his name to "fight international terrorism" [LAT 10/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gasoline bomb thrown at Israeli bus causes no injuries [JP 10/16].

Arab World: 2 Palestinians killed in clash with Israeli troops in security zone; no Israeli casualties reported [JP 10/16]. 2 Arabs on flight from Iraq are arrested in Rome airport carrying suitcase bombs; they carry false Moroccan passports [CT 10/16].