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  • January 2, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Galilee youths held since 9/27/83 sentenced to 6-15 mos. prison for participation in 1983 Land Day demonstration; lawyer says youths subjected...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Galilee youths held since 9/27/83 sentenced to 6-15 mos. prison for participation in 1983 Land Day demonstration; lawyer says youths subjected to physical and psychological torture while in Jalameh and Akka prisons. Israeli Ministerial Economic Committee sets Friday deadline for gov't. dep'ts. to present budget proposals with 9% overall spending cut; DM Arens rejects notion of cutting budget for development of Lavi bomber. Jerusalem Post poll reports 72% favor cut in spending for West Bank settlements. Settlers from Yakir and Kedumim, bitter over arrest of 3 Israelis suspected of Nablus killings (12/8/83), return IDF-issued weapons to Israeli authorities.

Arab World: Rev. Jesse Jackson meets Pres. Assad in Damascus, appeals release of US airman downed 12/4/83.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Incendiary bomb thrown at Israeli military patrol at Balata refugee camp; no casualties.

Arab World: Israelis reopen Awali River crossings after 3 days.