Tuesday, February 4, 1992

After meeting with German officials, leaders of the American Jewish Committee state Germany will eventually provide loan guarantees for Israel to compensate for E. Germany's failure to pay reparations to Israel after World War II as W. Germany did. (MM 2/5)

Following agreement between Labor, Likud on date for new elections, Knesset passes law dissolving itself effective 3/17/92. New elections set for 6/23. (Qol Yisra'el 2/4 in FBIS 2/5; MM 2/5)

Mustafa 'Abdallah 'Akkawi, E. Jerusalem resident carrying Israeli identity card who was arrested 1/22 on charges of membership in PFLP, dies at Shin Bet detention center in Hebron. He had complained to a military court 2/3 that he was being tortured while in detention. (WP 2/6)