King Hussein meets with Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus to discuss recent U.S., Soviet peace initiatives. Both countries agree that goal should be settlement based on land for peace. (WP 5/19)
Israeli warplanes attack Amal base in Shabriha, S. Lebanon, killing four and wounding 15. Attack is response to 5/17 bombing in Nabatiya carried out by Islamic Resistance Movement, which operates in newly-established alliance with Amal after years of rivalry. (NYT 5/19)
Four alleged members of Fateh deported from Gaza, taken to Israel's "security zone" in S. Lebanon by helicopter and released, bringing total to 69 Palestinians deported since intifada began in 1987. Deportees were: Jalal Yasin Abu Habbal, Mu'in Muhammad Musallim, Hasan Muhammad 'Ali Dahlan, Jamal 'Abd Rabbuh Abu'l-Jidyan. (NYT 5/19; MEM 5/20)
Israeli troops kill Jenin youth after confrontation in al-Masahiliyya village. (Radio Israel 5/18)