Israel refuses to alter position on peace talks in response to 7/14 Syrian decision to accept compromise position suggested by U.S. (WP 7/16)
PLO committee meets in Tunis to discuss convening session of Palestine National Council. Hamas boycotts meeting, complains that PNC membership should be determined by elections in occupied territories and in exile. Groups comprising Palestinian National Salvation Front also boycott meeting after PLO invited only those PNSF groups which had membership inthe Palestine National Council before 1983. (MEM 7/16, 7/26)
Representatives of the eight Arab states (6 Gulf Cooperation Council members, Egypt, and Syria) party to the 3/6 Damascus Declaration, which created an Arab security force led by Syrian, Egyptian troops, for deployment in the Gulf region, begin meeting in Kuwait to discuss possible changes to the Declaration. Move comes in wake of reservations by some Gulf states about permanent SyrianEgyptian force in region, Egyptian concern that Gulf states intend to include Iran in Gulf security proposals. (MEM 7/16)