Wednesday, March 6, 1991

In speech before joint session of Congress, Pres. Bush announces end of hostilities against Iraq and outlines 4 goals for U.S. policy in Middle East-Gulf security, regional arms control, economic development, and Arab-Israeli peace, specifically mentioning "land for peace" [NYT, WP, LAT, WT, MEM 3/7].

Saddam Hussein names his cousin to replace fired Interior Minister; dissolves Ministry of Local Gov'ts., and issues large pay raise to Republican Guard and army troops, as those forces continue to gain upper hand in 4-day-old popular insurrection [MEM 3/6; NYT, LAT, WP, WT 3/7; CSM 3/8; BADS 3/6 in FBIS 3/6; MET 3/19].

Japanese upper house of parliament gives final approval to $9 billion of assistance to multinational force [LAT, WP 3/7].

General strike called for by UNLU is observed in o.t.; clashes occur throughout o.t., including in Ramallah where 18-year-old Palestinian is shot dead by IDF troops [MEM 3/6; NYT 3/7; IDF 3/6 in FBIS 3/7; FJ 3/11; MET 3/19].

U.S. military concludes that Iraq's chemical weapons never entered combat theater, allied troops have been unable to find any nonconventional weapons [WP 3/7].